Print your e-signature sheet on standard 8.5"x11" white copy paper.
- Sign and date under the request, ensuring that your signature matches the signature in your voter registration file. This is likely the signature that also appears on your Oregon Driver License or ID.
- Sign and date under the certification. Note that you have to sign and date your sheet in two places.
- Take your time to neatly print your name and residence address. Start your address shortly after your name to give yourself plenty of room. Be sure this information matches the information in your voter registration file on the date you signed.
- Leave the Sheet Number space blank.
- Mail your completed signature sheet to:
STAR Voting for Oregon
PO Box 51243
E 33rd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
Keep going!
- Share this page with your friends in Oregon and on social media.
Tell them why you love STAR Voting. It's the most important point!
- Request a canvassing training and kit for collecting signatures in person.
Click here to request a one-on-one canvasser training. Once you've completed the training, we'll send you a canvassing kit and connect you with other canvassers in your area.
The canvassing kit includes a script, canvasser instructions, an FAQ, the legal text of the initiative, and some signature sheets. If you can provide your own clipboard and pens, that's great.
The signature sheets in particular need to be printed very specifically, so we prefer not to have you print your own, but the downloadable canvassing kit can be found here in case you need to print more copies of the other materials.
A simple change that could have a huge impact: STAR Voting for Oregon
- More choice. Voters simply score candidates from 0 up to 5 stars.
- Just one election in November for local races. STAR Voting eliminates the need for expensive and low-turnout primaries, so local nonpartisan primaries would be eliminated by default.
- STAR Voting eliminates spoilers and vote-splitting, so you can stop worrying about who you think can win and just focus on the candidates and the issues.
- STAR Voting elects majority preferred winners.
- STAR Voting would pay for itself within one election cycle and then would start saving taxpayers money.
- This is our chance to be a model for the rest of the nation.