2024 Blog Posts


December 31st, 2024

2024 was a big year for us. We couldn't have done it without you, and now we need your help to keep it up for the years to come. 


November 4th, 2024

We polled Americans on the presidential election using four voting methods using our BetterVoting.com app! Here's what we found. 


October 23rd, 2024

This November, voters in a number of states will decide whether to adopt Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for some or all statewide races, while Alaska will be voting whether to repeal RCV statewide. As the Equal Vote Coalition is an organization fighting for voting method reform, some are surprised to learn that we oppose RCV.


October 11th, 2024

Happy 10th Birthday STAR Voting!

Today is the 10 year anniversary of the day STAR Voting was invented following the first ever Equal Vote Conference at the University of Oregon!


September 26th, 2024 (National)

Equal Vote Symposium 

A New STAR Campaign! (+ 5 reasons to join the Symposium)


September 24th, 2024

Oregon September Updates from the STAR Voting team

Big news on a new campaign, our Equal Vote Symposium this Saturday, and how to get involved!


June 21rd, 2024

June Software Newsletter

New star.vote landing page, new results page, and more!


May 23rd, 2024

The status quo was the big winner on election night after Eugene voters were pelted with a coordinated campaign of lies and misinformation.

A few short years ago STAR Voting was nothing more than an innovative new idea. Since then, it’s gained traction and momentum at a rate that’s absolutely unheard of in the voting reform landscape.


May 19th, 2024

Spread the word, vote by 8pm, and then come celebrate!

Election Day is almost here, Eugene. Here are some big (but easy) things we need from you.


May 18th, 2024

Election day for Eugene is Tuesday and you can help!

Please boost our signal, share our content, and help correct the misinformation!


May 16th, 2024

Ballots are due 8pm Tuesday, May 21, and we need everyone's help!

We have big money formal opposition, and despite the fact that none of them are actually Eugene voters, they're doing real damage.


May 13th, 2024

Let’s bring STAR Voting to the Buckeye State!

The Ohio Chapter started in January 2024. The team of officers and volunteers are making and participating in multiple canvassing events throughout Ohio.


April 28th, 2024

April Software Dev Newsletter

We’re at an exciting stage with the software development tasks. All of the core features have been designed and implemented. All that’s left is a list of small well-defined tasks.


April 18th, 2024

We're heading south to get voters to vote YES on STAR Voting for Eugene!

Come join us! A few of us will be carpooling down to Eugene on April 27. We have room for 1 or 2 more people in the car.


April 14th, 2024

Backlash in Alaska's first Ranked Choice election — Was Ranked Choice to Blame?

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) advocates and opponents can’t stop talking about Alaska and what it means for the future of the voting reform movement. We've brought the data to life to find out what really happened.


April 10th, 2024

Join us for our Town Hall series kickoff!

We’re launching our Town Hall series co-hosted with the League of Women Voters and Eugene Public Library at the downtown library branch. Then we’ll be following up with another Town Hall at Bethel Branch this Saturday and, last but not least, Sheldon Branch on May 1st.

Learn more: starvoting.org/eugene
Events: starvoting.org/events


April 3rd, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: STAR Voting is on the Eugene Ballot!

In May, the city of Eugene has the opportunity to remedy the flawed Choose One Voting method America has used since its founding and vote for better voting. Measure 20-349 would adopt STAR Voting for local Eugene city elections and switch us from a low-turnout May primary with a conditional runoff to a single election in November, saving the city money within a few cycles.


March 28th, 2024

It's lawn sign time!

Most people who know about STAR Voting are supportive, but many people, even in Eugene, have still never heard of it. Lawn signs are the best way to build that familiarity and name recognition we need. You've likely already seen a few!


February 9th, 2024

February STAR Voting Software Dev Newsletter

Hello - Arend here, welcome to the first iteration of the Equal Vote Coalition’s Software Dev Newsletter! We’re working hard to bring the new star.vote website to a public beta release, and we’re SO close.


January 24th, 2024

Looking Forward Through 2024

STAR Voting continues to accelerate as we launch into 2024 with major progress on our new voting software, our STAR elections platforms, our local chapters program, and our campaigns. 

First up is an exciting announcement: There is now a scheduling tool that uses STAR Voting!



2023 Blog Posts


December 30th, 2023

2023 - Break on through to the other side! 

2023 was an absolute breakout year for STAR Voting and the Equal Vote Coalition and it all comes down to our team and our supporters. We built on the foundation laid in previous years, kicked into a high gear, and leveled up. STAR Voting is now poised to win!


December 11th, 2023

Come testify TONIGHT, 12/11 at 7pm!

Show up in person and sign up to speak as soon as you get there. Have a 2.5 minute speech written out and ready to read.


December 8th, 2023

Eugene: Testify for STAR Voting!

Eugene City Council has decided to host a worksession to consider publicly opposing the STAR measure or, worse, putting a competing measure on the ballot! Before that happens, we need to ask them not to oppose STAR Voting, not to muddy the waters, and to please cancel the work session! 


November 28th, 2023

STAR Voting is now Peer Reviewed! STAR Eugene is on the ballot, and much more...
Today is Giving Tuesday. We need your help to keep up the work and bring it home!



October 18th, 2023

The results are in!
STAR Voting for Eugene is headed for the ballot!!! We did it!



October 12th, 2023

The signatures are in but the verdict's still out.

In the meantime one thing is for sure... The STAR Voting for Eugene team absolutely crushed it!


September 23rd, 2023

Final push to get on the ballot in Eugene! 

We've come a long way in only three months and we're close to our goal, but we only have two weekends left...


August 5th, 2023

STAR Voting August Update

Thousands of signatures gotten. Thousands of signatures to get. See where we're at and how you can help STAR Voting get on the ballot!


July 5th, 2023

STAR Voting canvassing at Portland Pride and more!

We need your help. Check out these Portland summer volunteer opportunities. 


July 2nd, 2023

STAR Eugene Canvassing Opportunities

Join us as we collect signatures for the STAR Voting for Eugene ballot initiative! Check out the email blast for a list of volunteer opportunities in Eugene. In many cases, just having a volunteer save a spot at an event for our paid canvassers is a huge help!


June 25th, 2023

STAR Voting for Eugene Has Launched!

STAR Voting has now been used far and wide for private elections, polls, political party elections, delegate elections, and more, and the science is clear that this is the next generation in voting reform. It's time to take it to the next level!


June 24th, 2023

Summer Canvassing in Portland

Join us as we collect signatures for the STAR Voting for Oregon ballot initiative in PDX!


June 19th, 2023

Public Hearing on Ranked Choice TOMORROW!

If passed, the referral would establish Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for select elections across the state. We are deeply concerned that RCV would not work as intended, would undermine local efforts for STAR Voting, and it could seriously set Oregon back on election reform. Please testify in opposition to HB 2004.


May 24th, 2023

New York Meet 'n Greet

We're hosting a Meet & Greet for STAR Voting supporters across the Empire State! You'll get to connect with everyone from casual advocates to STAR Voting presenters and learn about what's happening with STAR Voting in New York.


May 17th, 2023

Portland STAR Voting Froyo Social!

Let's get the Portland STAR Voting volunteers back together for a Frozen Yogurt social! Connect with old friends and meet new ones in our first in-person meeting since the pandemic.


May 14th, 2023

Write Your Legislators: Vote NO on HB 2004

We're joining with the Association of County Clerks to call for the legislature to please vote no on HB 2004 and HB 3509 and instead convene a Legislative Task Force to study alternative voting methods and get agreement on the facts before overhauling Oregon elections with a controversial reform many Oregonians on both sides of the aisle are not on board with.


April 17th, 2022

More Portland Summer Events!

The Portland Pride Parade, the Jade District Night Market, and more are coming up, and these will be fantastic chances to collect signatures for our STAR Voting for Oregon ballot initiative! Can you join us? We need as many canvassers as possible!


April 17th, 2022

STAR Voting Presentation to Gresham Charter Reform

New to our YouTube channel is the second of two incredible presentations Sara gave to the Gresham Charter Review Committee last year going over STAR Voting and important considerations for proportional representation and districting.


April 17th, 2022

Equal Vote Presentation to Gresham Charter Reform Committee

New to our YouTube channel is the first of two fantastic presentations Sara gave to the Gresham Charter Review Committee last year going over the basics of the equal vote and how to choose a voting method.


April 2nd, 2023

Spanish speakers want STAR Voting and Votación Estrella delivers!

Inspired and energized by a fresh wave of interest and activity for STAR Voting from our Spanish speaking volunteers and supporters, we're excited to be offering more resources for STAR Voting — ¡en español!


March 30th, 2023

The North Dakota Legislature has voted to ban Approval Voting

Despite the incredible outpouring of public backlash against HB 1273, the North Dakota legislature just voted to ban Approval Voting with a supermajority in each house.


March 24th, 2023

Meet our Operations Coordinator!

Last summer, Sass dropped everything to move 2,300 miles across the country to Eugene, OR to work directly with the Equal Vote team in person, and it's been a game changer!


March 18th, 2023

UPDATE: Hearing on RCV in the Oregon House has been extended to a 2nd day to allow all voices to be heard

Thursday, there was a hearing on Oregon House Bill (HB) 2004 and HB 3509, which would establish Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for elections across the state. However, there wasn’t enough time to to hear everybody, so there will be another hearing on Tuesday the 21st.


March 16th, 2023

URGENT: Also register and testify for HB 3509!!!

This Thursday, March 16th at 1:00 PM, there will also be a hearing on House Bill (HB) 3509, which would adopt Ranked Choice Voting for elections across Oregon.


March 15th, 2023

ATTN: Ranked Choice Voting hearing in the Oregon House | Please testify!

This Thursday, March 16th at 1:00 PM, there will be a hearing on House Bill (HB) 2004, which would put Ranked Choice Voting on the ballot and set up a David and Goliath cage match between RCV and STAR Voting.


March 10th, 2023

Help launch our video for STAR Voting! 

The Wacky Wonders Dance Troupe has a big decision to make, but how they decide will make all the difference. Come along on their odyssey as they try out voting with Choose One Plurality, then Ranked Choice, and finally try STAR Voting.


February 17th, 2023

Equal Vote and the Project 4 Awesome

Every year, the Project for Awesome raises millions of dollars for charities and nonprofits during a 48-hour livestream showcasing videos made by their supporters. Audience members get to vote on which nonprofits they like and those with the most votes get a slice of the total money donated!


January 30th, 2023

The National Forward Party hosts a panel featuring various voting methods including STAR Voting!

In the best public voting method panel anywhere to date, Operations Coordinator Sass is invited to do a deep dive on STAR Voting, the history of voting science, and the state of voting method reform today. Grab a snack and enjoy this nearly 4-hour extravaganza electoral reform! 


January 27th, 2023

STAR Voting initiative approved!

Without a constitutional challenge, Initiative Petition 2024-011 STAR Voting for Oregon has been approved for signature collection a month earlier than anticipated. It's time to ramp up our efforts and bring STAR Voting to Oregon!


2022 Blog Posts


December 25th, 2022

Happy Holidays, a matching donation opportunity, and updates from the STAR Voting Project!

Email Blast by the Equal Vote Coalition and STAR Voting team


December 17th, 2022

Philly Film Critics use STAR Voting

The Philadelphia Film Critics Circle used STAR Voting to decide the winners of their various film awards.


October 28th, 2022

STAR Voting officially announces the launch of a statewide initiative to bring STAR Voting to the ballot for Oregon voters in November 2024!

Email Blast by STAR Voting for Oregon 2024 Leadership


July 12th, 2022

See you in Eugene for our Picnic in the Park event with the League of Women Voters

Email Blast by Sara Wolk



February 16th, 2022

A NE Portland Perspective on Districting and Voting Reform

Article by Sara Wolk



2021 Blog Posts


November 22th, 2021

STAR Voting and Equal Vote Code of Conduct
For all staff, leadership, and volunteers


November 10th, 2021

Letter to PDX Charter Review Commission
Article by Mont Chris Hubbard and Sara Wolk



November 10th, 2021

Q and A for Common Cause
Article by Sara Wolk and Sass



November 8th, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: STAR Eugene and Lane Ballot Initiatives Denied Ballot Access
Press Release by STAR Voting



October 29th, 2021

Q and A for the League of Women Voters
Article by Sara Wolk



October 28th, 2021

Q and A for the PDX Charter Review Commission
Article by Sara Wolk



October 1st, 2021

STAR Voting North Carolina Chapter Launch 
Email blast by Sage Kemmerlin


July 12th, 2021

Let's bring better voting to Multnomah County 
Email blast by Annie Kallen



June 7th, 2021

Oregon's STAR Voting Chapters convene for our monthly meeting!
Email Blast by Sara Wolk



May 21st, 2021

Please! Extend the STAR Voting for Lane Canvassing Deadline!
Email Blast by Sara Wolk



May 3st, 2021

Should Portland Change How City Commissioners Are Elected?
A summary of options from the Equal Vote Coalition

Article by Sara Wolk



April 30th, 2021

FAQ for the Bloc STAR MultDems Reorg Election
Article by Sara Wolk, published in the County Democrat Reader 



April 26th, 2021

Portland's virtual events for STAR voting and election reform
Email Blast by Annie Kallen



April 5th, 2021

Fighting Polarization with STAR Voting
Article on the DailyKOS by Mike Franze



March 10th, 2021

Press Release: HB 3250 - STAR Voting for Oregon
Press release from the Equal Vote Coalition



April 5th, 2021

A Historic Opportunity for STAR Voting
Email blast by Annie Kallen

Announcing Oregon House Bill 3250 for STAR Voting!



March 15th, 2021

Sign up and Testify on Voting Reform to the Oregon Legislature!
Email blast by Sara Wolk



February 25th, 2021

Learn about Proportional STAR Voting
Email blast by Sara Wolk

A Presentation from the Equal Vote 0-5 Star Proportional Research Committee! And... We have a bill in the legislature! 



February 13th, 2021

February Events: Chapter meetings, committees and... Presenting Proportional STAR Voting
Email blast by Sara Wolk



January 17th, 2021

Expert Nerd Panel on the Nerds For Humanity Podcast
Email blast by Sara Wolk



 2020 Blog Posts:


December 17th, 2020

Happy Holidays!
Email blast by Sara Wolk

This year we gave it all, and there's more where that came from!



December 15th, 2020

Join us Thursday for our Initiative Strategy Session
Email blast by Sara Wolk



November 28th, 2020

Remote canvassing is now live! Help collect signatures for STAR Voting for Lane County.... without leaving your couch
Email blast by Sara Wolk



November 10th, 2020

Today, STAR Eugene finally had our day in court
Email blast by Sara Wolk



November 7th, 2020

Open Letter to City Club
by Annie Kallen

An open letter to City Club members, in their preparation for the New Government for Today’s Portland: It's Time to Rethink How We Vote member vote event.


October 16th, 2020

Building a movement to scale: October events and updates from the front lines.
Email blast by Sara Wolk



July 28th, 2020

Eugene will keep fighting - See you in court
Email blast by Sara Wolk



July 25th, 2020

Judgement Day - We need you to speak in support of STAR Voting at the last Eugene public forum
Email blast by Sara Wolk



July 11th, 2020

Wait for it... STAR Eugene gears up for the campaign of a lifetime
Email blast by Sara Wolk



July 8th, 2020

Troutdale Launch!
Email blast by Annie Kallen



June 20th, 2020

Sunday meeting at 4:30pm, Eugene Council kicks the can, and 3 historic wins for STAR Voting!
Email blast by Sara Wolk



June 9th, 2020

Eugene Worksession tomorrow!
Email blast by Sara Wolk

The moment of truth has arrived! Eugene City Council is our last chance to refer STAR Voting for Eugene to the November ballot!



May 29th, 2020

The biggest story not covered in the 2020 Portland Primary was that our election WASN'T democratic.
Daily KOS post by Jas Davis

Despite the power of public matching funds to propel political outsiders into contention, the biggest story in this year's Portland city elections according to political newcomer, Jas Davis, is the failure of our current voting system to deliver democratic results.


April 25th, 2020

IPO Primary Countdown
email blast by Sara Wolk

The Independent Party of Oregon primary, using STAR Voting for all statewide elections, goes live at 8am on Tuesday April 28th.


April 7th, 2020

IPO Primary Announcment
email blast by Sara Wolk
and Press Release

Independent Party of Oregon Will Use STAR Voting In 2020 Primary Election, Open to all Independent and Non-Affiliated Voters



March 30th, 2020

2020 Vision: Could STAR Voting slay the “electability” dragon?
by Sara Wolk

We’re all too familiar with the landscape: Toxic campaign ads, candidates who do nothing but ask for your money and tell you what you want to hear, and at the end of the day one narrative to rule them all- don’t waste your vote on a candidate who isn’t “electable.”


March 15th, 2020

Remote Meetings/Volunteering
email blast by Sara Wolk

Virtual meetings and action items you can do from home: STAR Voting volunteer opportunities


March 14th, 2020

Our voting system is 200 years old and dividing the nation. What if there was a better way?
by Johnathan Miller

For more than two centuries, the U.S. has pioneered incredible technologies and advancements, and the country has evolved from an agrarian society to the always-online, connected country we are today. And yet with all this innovation, one thing has never changed: how we vote.


March 7th, 2020

Public Forum and then Worksession!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Eugene City Council is working to refer STAR Voting to the November ballot, but we need you to show up and tell them it's a priority!


February 25th, 2020

March Events and Action Items
email blast by Sara Wolk

A pop-up garage sale, a Tea Talk, submitting public testimony, a new chapter launch, and monthly meetings. Carpe dium!


February 12th, 2020

Your candidate was "non-viable"? Your vote was wasted.
by Sara Wolk

In the shock and awe surrounding the upset of the 2020 primary kickoff -in which two of the highest polling candidates are currently tanking- the point that nobody is making is how these large field primaries disenfranchise huge swaths of voters.
If your candidate didn't get 15% that is a wasted vote.


February 11th, 2020

STAR Voting poll for the 2020 presidential primary
by Sara Wolk

What would happen if voting based on "electability" was a thing of the past? What if we had a voting method that didn't break when we have multiple options to choose from? Vote in the 2020 primary poll and try STAR for yourself!


January 25, 2020

Leveling up!
email blast by Sara Wolk

STAR Voting World Headquarters Coming soon! Work Parties, a Garage Sale, and then we open shop!


January 5th, 2020

Let the campaigning begin!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Eugene and Lane County, all eyes are on you!



2019 Blog Posts


December 24th, 2020

Holiday Fundraiser
email blast by Sara Wolk

2019 was a breakout year for STAR Voting and the holidays are a great time to reflect and be grateful for all we have accomplished


November 5th, 2019

Eugene rejects signatures: Nobody said it would be easy
email blast by Sara Wolk

October 30th, 2019. After turning in 10,406 signatures for the STAR Voting for Eugene petition, the county elections office has ruled the petition "void," falling just 111 short of the required 8,091 verified signatures.

Don't lose heart! ...


November 5th, 2019

DNC to use STAR Voting to elect Oregon's Presidential Delegates to the Democratic National Convention!
email blast by Sara Wolk

This historic decision launches STAR Voting onto the national stage, empowering Oregon voters, protecting election integrity, and helping to ensure fair and representative results. The Democratic National Convention may determine our next president, so in the event of a close race or brokered convention Oregon's STAR elected delegates could make all the difference.


October 7th, 2019

One Week to go for STAR Eugene:
email blast by Sara Wolk

Today marks one week until the deadline. We've turned in our first 8,174 signatures so far.

8,081 valid signatures are required, but we may not know our validity rate until it's too late. Every single signature could be the difference between success and failure.


September 11th, 2020

One month to go before STAR's Eugene signature deadline!
email blast by Sara Wolk

We need 10,500 verified signatures by October 14th! That's 8,091 verified, plus a 30% buffer.


July 30th, 2019

Live Music, Street Fairs, and Volunteer Opportunities for all!
email blast by Sara Wolk

STAR Voting for Lane County is finally approved to collect signatures! ... and all it took was 2 months of extreme paperwork, one legal judgement in our favor, and world class patience and optimism.



Tue, July 2nd, 2019

Approved to collect signatures July 4th - October 14th. STAR Voting for Eugene!
email blast by Sara Wolk

This summer is the crux of the movement. July 4th - October 14th. We have 100 days to collect 8,091 verified signatures!


June 3rd, 2019

This is the beginning: Paperwork filed for STAR Voting ballot initiatives!
email blast by Sara Wolk.

Today is the beginning.
Today we flipped the hourglass
Today we submitted paperwork for two ballot initiatives.
The clock is ticking .. .. .. .. ..



May 23rd, 2019

Summer Plan
email blast by Sara Wolk and David Ernst

The Flashpoint: Over the next 2 months, we have an incredible opportunity to launch our 2019 STAR Voting campaign, highlighting 2 ballot initiatives in central Oregon while laying the foundation for others statewide and beyond.


April 4th, 2020

The UnrigTheSystem Summit rocked!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Last weekend STAR Voting advocates from around the country flew into Nashville, Tennessee to attend the nations largest election reform summit of the year. UnrigTheSystem, hosted by our partner Represent.Us, included 3 days of speakers, panels, workshops, and more.


March 7th, 2020

Ballot Initiatives: How the people can change policy!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Getting initiatives on the ballot, building coalitions, and getting people educated on issues doesn't happen overnight. To organize, delegate, and get it done we have regular monthly meetings in both Eugene and Portland, with subcommittee meetings and more in between.


February 2nd, 2019

STAR Voting is rolling, you're invited!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Blast off! Despite the fact that some of us took some well deserved time off over the holidays, others just didn't get the memo. It's only been a few short months since the last election, but STAR Voting advocates from across the political spectrum have been hard at work laying the foundation to adopt STAR Voting in their own organizations. They've made a lot of progress! Meanwhile others have been drafting charter amendments, reaching out to our elected officials, and even going to Salem. Wow! 



2018 Blog Posts


November 28th, 2018

Team Strategy Meeting for STAR Voting, Tomorrow! 7-9!
email blast by Sara Wolk

The STAR Voting team will be getting together to reconnect and reinvigorate for our next round of campaigns. This is only the beginning, but what the next steps look like will depend on you. Our strategy will be determined by our bandwidth, and teamwork makes the dream work.


November 19th, 2018

Thank You Lane County!!!
email blast by Sara Wolk

We didn't get everything we'd hoped for, but we did get almost 47% of the vote! That's incredible considering this is a new reform, organized by a grassroots team, with little institutional backing. We put STAR Voting on the map and proved that this proposal is viable! 


Nov 8th, 2018

by Mark Frohnmayer and Sara Wolk

Lane County petitioners celebrate historic first campaign to institute STAR Voting


October 26th, 2018

This is the home stretch! 11 days left to get the word out! Tomorrow! Parade! 
email blast by Sara Wolk

This is the home stretch and the name of the game is inspiration! I'm inspired, you're inspired and we need the world to know it and get inspired too! Our volunteers have been dauntless and our team is stronger now than ever. We'll be out every single day from now until November 6th. Join us!



October 8th, 2020

Oakshire Benefit Concert with the Muddy Souls!
email blast by Sara Wolk

Come out this Wednesday at 5 to celebrate with us! $1 from every beer all day will be donated to our education and outreach fund.

Town Hall on STAR Voting!
Come connect, hear some great presentations, help fold mini-zines, and break into volunteer action groups at noon. Our canvassing team goes out after the meet up. To join us for the afternoon canvass meet at Theo's at 1:30pm.




October 2nd, 2018

Upcoming Events and Call to Action!
email blast by Sara Wolk

We have lawn signs! Lawn signs are free and we encourage you to take one and display it proudly!




September 24th, 2018

Last 2 days of Best of Eugene!: Vote now at weekly.star.vote
email blast by Sara Wolk

Voting on Round One runs from 9/13 to 9/26 and focuses on Eats and Civics. Round Two will run from 9/27 to 10/10 and focus on Spending and Live Action.  Lot's of great candidates to choose from? No problem! STAR let's you give top scores to all your favorites while still showing your preference order between the rest of the pack and giving no support to options you truly don't like at all. That's real choice and that's what it takes to get fair representation! 



September 18th, 2018

Park your partisan politics at the door
email blast by Sara Wolk

At the last meeting of the Lane County Democrats platform and resolutions committee a group of supporters put forward a motion to endorse STAR Voting and were shocked when the motion was flipped on it's head. The committee, led by a small group of party insiders, voted to oppose the ballot initiative. 



September 18th, 2018

Volunteer Catalyzation for STAR Voting!
email blast by Sara Wolk

STAR Voting made the ballot in Lane County! Now it's time to hit the streets and spread the word! 

Education and outreach are the name of the game. Come out every Saturday to Theo's Coffee a for our STAR Voting volunteer breakout sessions. The events are co-hosted with Lane County Our Revolution and go from 11am to 1pm.


August 12th, 2018

Our take on FairVote's position regarding STAR Voting
by Mark Frohnmayer

We were excited to learn that FairVote, the nation's leading advocate of Ranked Choice Voting, took a deep look at STAR Voting. We were doubly thrilled when their astute researchers weren't able to come up with even a single viable weakness of the STAR Voting method. Our only true disappointment is that FairVote, to date, has yet to correct the significant inaccuracies in their article, despite repeated asks from the Equal Vote Coalition and others.


August 12th, 2018 

STAR Voting on Nov ballot!
by Mark Frohnmayer

Lane County voters will have the opportunity this fall to institute an exciting new reform, replacing the "top-two jungle primary" system we currently use for elected county offices with STAR Voting! The response to our initiative petitioning was overwhelmingly positive, showing the hunger voters (and non-voters!) have for a better way to vote and elect people to public office.


August 9th, 2018

Response to FairVote Article on STAR Voting
by Alan Zundel

We were encouraged when we heard that FairVote was updating its online article on STAR Voting in light of concerns from the Equal Vote Coalition and a number of leaders in the electoral reform community. However, in reading the updated article (July 2018) we found it disappointing. They dropped some problematic assertions while retaining others, but overall it fails to address the central concerns raised against it in the first place.


August 2nd, 2018

STAR Voting: Heal Democracy!
by Sara Wolk

Necessity is the mother of invention and not surprisingly this has been a groundbreaking year for election reform. In Oregon the Equal Vote Coalition is collecting signatures for twin ballot initiatives in Multnomah and Lane Counties to fundamentally change the way we vote.


July 24th, 2018

STAR Voting: The Quest for Democracy!
by Sara Wolk

Necessity is the mother of invention and not surprisingly this has been a groundbreaking year for election reform. In Oregon the Equal Vote Coalition is collecting signatures for twin ballot initiatives in Multnomah and Lane Counties to fundamentally change the way we vote.

2017 Blog Posts


May 11th, 2017

STAR Voting gets its first field trial, two campaigns... and a new name!
by Mark Frohnmayer

If my Google News Alerts are a valid indicator, public interest in election process reform has seen a huge increase since the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. We're witnessing this directly here in Oregon as we work to bring STAR Voting* (SRV) to public elections for the first time.


May 9th, 2017


May 2nd, 2017

STAR Voting Election Calculator
by Mark Frohnmayer

With Google Forms it's fairly easy to set up and run your own STAR Voting* elections, by copying and pasting in a simple script. This post is a step-by-step guide that shows how to do that.



March 13th, 2017

The Relaxed Majority Criterion



Is this about the Electoral College?

The mission of Equal.Vote is embedded in our name. Even though our initial focus is on the mechanics of the vote itself, when folks keep asking us, "Is this about the Electoral College?", we have to say yes to that too.


March 12, 2017

What the heck happened in Burlington?

Advocates claim that "With Ranked Choice Voting, you can honestly rank candidates without having to worry about how others will vote and who is more or less likely to win" because if your first choice can't win, your second choice will be counted.

In truth, Ranked Choice only counts the secondary preferences of some of the voters who put a non-winning candidate in first position, and this can and does lead to non-representative, non-majoritarian outcomes.


2014 Blog Posts:


October 4th, 2014

Equal Vote Conference 2014

One month before Election Day, state and national luminaries converged at the University of Oregon to discuss and debate the evolution in the science of voting methods and the historic role of political parties and the primary election process in the context of Measure 90 and the Oregon Top Two. This is the conference that sparked the idea for STAR Voting.