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Why support STAR Voting?:
- More choice. Voters simply score candidates from 0 up to 5 stars.
- STAR Voting eliminates spoilers and vote-splitting, so you can stop worrying about who you think can win and just focus on the candidates and the issues.
- STAR Voting incentives and rewards voters for voting honestly and expressively.
- STAR Voting elects majority preferred winners whenever possible.
- STAR Voting would simplify the election process, shortening the election cycle where possible, and ensuring that our elected leaders are chosen in general elections only, when the most voters are paying attention and participating.
- STAR Voting is fully compatible with our current election officiation processes and election integrity requirements, including vote by mail, hand count protocols, and risk limiting audit protocols. No new hardware would need to be purchased, and election results would be tallied and reported immediately.
- Simple implementation logistics and skipping unnecessary primaries means that transition costs to switch to STAR Voting would be relatively low. STAR would likely pay for itself within a few election cycles, and then would start saving taxpayers money.
- This is our chance to be a model for the rest of the nation.
- Learn more about STAR Voting and alternative voting here.
Current Campaigns:
STAR Voting for Oakridge, OR: Measure 20-364
Oakridge City Council and the Charter Reform Commission have referred a ballot measure to the voters. Measure 20-364 is a pilot project to implement preference voting for mayor and city council elections.
STAR Voting for Oakridge wouldn't cost anything for the city and voters would get to try STAR Voting for three election cycles before voting to adopt it permanently. Oakridge city elections are already nonpartisan and are conducted through a single election in November, This would not change.
Election day is Tuesday, November 5th, 8pm. Please vote YES for better voting!
Launch A Campaign In Your Area!
Start or join a chapter, launch an initiative, revolutionize democracy. We have the tools to help you each step of the way. To be the spearhead for a campaign in your area email us at: [email protected].
Recent Campaigns:
STAR Voting for Eugene, OR: Measure 20-349
Initiative Details:
- STAR Voting for Eugene measure would have implemented STAR Voting for all Eugene citywide elections.
- Eugene elections are already nonpartisan, so STAR Voting would have made a separate expensive primary election unnecessary.
- Voters would have just voted once in November.
- This would have save money for both the city and for candidates compared to the current system.
Campaign Details:
The STAR Voting for Eugene Initiative began circulating on June 16th, 2023 in conjunction with the STAR Voting for Oregon Initiative Petition.
The petition had 100 days to reach the target of 9,689 verified signatures. The team submitted 14,556 signatures and qualified for the ballot with flying colors.
The measure came up for a vote on May 21st, 2024. Unfortunately, in the face of a massive last minute smear campaign Eugene voters voted no on STAR Voting for Eugene. All told, the opposition committee spent roughly $91 thousand dollars in the final month before the election. The measure lost with 35% of the vote.
More info:
- Learn more at the STAR Voting for Eugene campaign page.
- Read the campaign launch Press Release here.
Read the STAR Voting for Eugene Initiative Text and our Ballot Title here.
- Read our Frequently Asked Questions for the STAR Voting for Oregon and STAR Eugene 2024 Initiatives here.
STAR Voting for Oregon IP-11:
Initiative Details:
- Establishes STAR as the default voting method for the State of Oregon for elections at every level, from school boards to city councils, state congressional offices, federal congressional offices, presidential primaries, and Oregon's presidential general election.
- Implements single-winner STAR for elections that are currently single-winner and Bloc STAR for elections that are currently multi-winner.
- Respects local innovation by grandfathering in other alternative voting methods, including Ranked Choice or Approval Voting, which have been recently adopted at the local level. Allows for future upgrades or innovations including proportional representation if desired.
- Eliminates unnecessary primaries. As the default, nonpartisan elections would not have primary elections unless the jurisdiction determined that they wanted to do so. For jurisdictions that do want primaries for particular offices, they would only be conducted in cases where there are six or more candidates, and the top five candidates would advance to the general election.
- For elections to partisan offices (currently most of Oregon's statewide and federal offices), STAR would be used for all partisan primaries, and general elections. In the event that under six candidates file to run for office all five would automatically advance to the general election.
Campaign Details:
- The STAR Voting for Oregon Initiative Petition, which launched February 2023, concluded on July 5th, 2024, the last day to submit signatures.
- The campaign submitted 35,147 signatures for STAR Oregon, the most for any STAR Voting campaign ever!
- We needed 117,173 valid signatures to make it onto the ballot.
- The STAR Voting for Oregon team plans to refile to try again for the 2026 ballot.
More info:
- Learn more at the STAR Voting for Oregon campaign page.
- Read the campaign launch Press Release here.
- Read the STAR Voting for Oregon Initiative Text and our Ballot Title here.
- Please email us to schedule a press interview, schedule a presentation, endorse the initiatives, or share an opportunity we should be aware of: [email protected]
- Read our Frequently Asked Questions for the STAR Voting for Oregon and STAR Eugene 2024 Initiatives here.
Action Items:
We are reaching out to local organizations, nonprofits, elected officials, representatives, and senators to sign on to endorse IP-2024-011, STAR Voting for Oregon.
- Click here to donate to the campaign fund!
- Join us at STAR Voting monthly meetings! Event info can be found here.
- Join our email list to stay in the loop!
- Help us get endorsements and signers!
- Email [email protected] to volunteer and/or help collect signatures. We have something for everyone.
- Email your elected representatives and let them know why STAR voting is important to you. Ask them to endorse STAR Voting. Find your representatives here.
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