1 hr 30 mins
Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 6:00pm
Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Let's improve local elections with a voting method that doesn't split the vote! Join our monthly meeting for STAR Voting and Represent.Us on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6pm!
We will talk about:
--Efforts to bring STAR Voting to Portland and Multnomah County
--Updates and outreach in Lane County
--Outreach ideas for other cities
--Statewide reform!
--Working on our talking points and elevator pitch.
--Efforts to bring STAR Voting to Portland and Multnomah County
--Updates and outreach in Lane County
--Outreach ideas for other cities
--Statewide reform!
--Working on our talking points and elevator pitch.
Action Items:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 707 322 9760
Agenda: TBD
See you there! Email [email protected] if you have questions. For more info on STAR voting, visit www.starvoting.us
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