
Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 5:00pm

Pacific Time (US & Canada)

2 hrs

Come out and support the cause, enjoy some locally brewed beverages, and check out some great live music at Oakshire Brewing! $1 per every pint of beer sold the entire day will go to the STAR Voting cause. Music will kick off at 5pm and our speakers will go on around 5:45. Results from our demo election will be announced after more live music at 7pm! 

This is a great opportunity to get connected, get inspired, and get in the know! All while helping us keep the project funded! See you there!

STAR Voting is a revolutionary proposal to legalize democracy... starting right here in Lane County. 

We would skip the low turnout primary and only vote once in November. On your ballot you would be able to give each candidate a rating, from 0 up to 5 stars. Show who you prefer to who, and show how much -or how little- you support the candidates. 

With STAR Voting even if your favorites can't win you can vote your conscience without wasting your vote. That's a game changer! 

Learn more at www.starvoting.us and get involved at www.starvoting.us/sign_up

Will you come?