A simple change that could have a huge impact.

STAR Voting for Troutdale, OR 

  • More choice. Voters simply score candidates from 0 up to 5 stars.
  • Just one election in November. Troutdale elections are already non-partisan, and adopting STAR Voting would eliminate the need for expensive and low-turnout primaries for local offices.
  • STAR Voting eliminates spoilers and vote splitting, so you can stop worrying about who you think can win and just focus on the candidates and the issues.
  • STAR Voting elects majority preferred winners.
  • STAR Voting would pay for itself within a few election cycles and then would start saving taxpayers money.
  • This is our chance to be a model for the rest of the nation.
Learn more about STAR Voting here: starvoting.us/star




STAR Voting for Troutdale, OR has re-submitted its filing to restart the clock in September 2021. The campaign now has through the end of summer 2023 to collect the signatures needed to qualify for the 2024 ballot. Plans for a campaign launch party and fundraiser are in the works! 


Action Items:

The STAR Voting for Troutdale Chapter is looking for more local leadership, including people to help coordinate and host meetings, an outreach and tabling coordinator, and an events coordinator, and there are other positions available as well. If you can commit to a few hours a month we need you on our campaign leadership team. 


coming soon  coming soon