true ## /donate_double Donate to the STAR Voting Action Fund! - donate_double - /donate_double ## /donate_double

Donate to the STAR Voting Action Fund! — AND DOUBLE IT!

Thank you for considering a donation to the STAR Voting Action fund!


A generous donor has offered to match all donations up to $5,000, but time's almost up!

If you donate $100 now, it will be like donating $200!


STAR Voting Action is a 501c4 nonprofit dedicated to funding and supporting the adoption of STAR Voting for governmental elections. This allows us to fundraise for STAR Voting campaigns in general, and then allocate those funds where they are needed the most, rather than making each campaign bootstrap it alone. This is a critical tool that will allow us to prepare in advance and then launch STAR Voting campaigns that are positioned to win. 

The more we can raise, the more ballot initiatives, legislative referrals, and statewide or national bills we will be able to support! Our strategy is focused and targeted where we're the most likely to succeed, and our goals are determined by you, our boots-on-the-ground organizers. 

Our future success depends on consistent and predictable funding now. To have an even bigger impact, set up a recurring donation below, and consider becoming a contributing member by giving at least $10 a month. Our average contribution in 2022 has been $29.

More information:

  • To contribute to the STAR Voting campaign fund by check, please make checks payable to "STAR Voting Action".
  • To contribute to the Equal Vote Coalition, please donate online or make checks payable to "Equal Vote Coalition".
  • To contribute to the STAR Voting for Oregon campaign fund directly, please donate online or make checks payable to "STAR Voting for Oregon P-011".
  • Checks can be sent to PO BOX 51243 30 E 33rd Ave. Eugene, OR 97405.
  • To cancel or update a recurring donation, please email us at: [email protected]
$5,326.00 raised so far. Help us get to $5,000.00

Test C We can say all sorts of things here. This should be indented? Really more just a bunch of spaces. This should not be indented?

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Body? New line? "In quotes."
Line 1
Line 2
How do I make bullet points?
  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
New line!
This is a hyperlink to
Test D
Test E
Test text 7.
Test text 8.
Test text 9.
Test text 10 .
Test text 11.